A Few Key Terms

The archiving of the digital universe...

Conservation The set of preservation practices used to rectify damages done to an object and/or the set of actions taken to slow an object's deterioration.
Emulation A preservation step. Creating an environment that enables digital content to be rendered in new software and hardware environments without changing the content file.
Lifecycle Management The full spectrum of activities a manager undertakes, from creation to disposal of an item or collection.
Preservation The steps taken to ensure the long-term accessibility and usability of content--including (but not restricted to) activities that prevent content from deteroriating.
Reformatting A preservation step. Transferring the intellectual content of an object or collection from one medium to another.
Refreshing A preservation step. Transferring content from one container to another container in the same format and media.
Replicating A preservation step. Making and distributing copies of content.1


The Digital Curation Lifecycle2

Conceptualize "Conceive and plan the creation of digital objects, including data capture methods and storage options."
Create "Produce digital objects and assign administrative, descriptive, structural and technical archival metadata."
Access and Use "Ensure that designated users can easily access digital objects on a day-to-day basis. Some digital objects may be publicly available, whilst others may be password protected."
Appraise and Select "Evaluate digital objects and select those requiring long-term curation and preservation. Adhere to documented guidance, policies and legal requirements."
Dispose "Rid systems of digital objects not selected for long-term curation and preservation. Documented guidance, policies and legal requirements may require the secure destruction of these objects."
Ingest "Transfer digital objects to an archive, trusted digital repository, data centre or similar, again adhering to documented guidance, policies and legal requirements."
Preservation Action "Undertake actions to ensure the long-term preservation and retention of the authoritative nature of digital objects."
Reappraise "Return digital objects that fail validation procedures for further appraisal and reselection."
Store "Keep the data in a secure manner as outlined by relevant standards."
Access and Reuse "Ensure that data are accessible to designated users for first time use and reuse. Some material may be publicly available, whilst other data may be password protected."
Transform "Create new digital objects from the original, for example, by migration into a different form."



  1. Skinner, 2015, p. 334-5.
  2. Digital Curation Lifecycle description from the Digital Curation Centre.